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synced 2025-03-03 14:55:48 +00:00
delete gym-wordle, fix some issues in letter_guess gym, add wandb integration
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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
from gym.envs.registration import register
from .wordle import WordleEnv
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Binary file not shown.
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from pathlib import Path
_chars = ' abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
_char_d = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(_chars)}
def to_english(array: npt.NDArray[np.int64]) -> str:
"""Converts a numpy integer array into a corresponding English string.
array: Word in array (int) form. It is assumed that each integer in the
array is between 0,...,26 (inclusive).
A (lowercase) string representation of the word.
return ''.join(_chars[i] for i in array)
def to_array(word: str) -> npt.NDArray[np.int64]:
"""Converts a string of characters into a corresponding numpy array.
word: Word in string form. It is assumed that each character in the
string is either an empty space ' ' or lowercase alphabetical
An array representation of the word.
return np.array([_char_d[c] for c in word])
def get_words(category: str, build: bool = False) -> npt.NDArray[np.int64]:
"""Loads a list of words in array form.
If specified, this will recompute the list from the human-readable list of
words, and save the results in array form.
category: Either 'guess' or 'solution', which corresponds to the list
of acceptable guess words and the list of acceptable solution words.
build: If True, recomputes and saves the array-version of the computed
list for future access.
An array representation of the list of words specified by the category.
This array has two dimensions, and the number of columns is fixed at
assert category in {'guess', 'solution'}
arr_path = Path(__file__).parent / f'dictionary/{category}_list.npy'
if build:
list_path = Path(__file__).parent / f'dictionary/{category}_list.csv'
with open(list_path, 'r') as f:
words = np.array([to_array(line.strip()) for line in f])
np.save(arr_path, words)
return np.load(arr_path)
def play():
"""Play Wordle yourself!"""
import gym
import gym_wordle
env = gym.make('Wordle-v0') # load the environment
solution = to_english(env.unwrapped.solution_space[env.solution]).upper() # no peeking!
done = False
while not done:
action = -1
# in general, the environment won't be forgiving if you input an
# invalid word, but for this function I want to let you screw up user
# input without consequence, so just loops until valid input is taken
while not env.action_space.contains(action):
guess = input('Guess: ')
action = env.unwrapped.action_space.index_of(to_array(guess))
state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
print(f"The word was {solution}")
@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from sty import fg, bg, ef, rs
from collections import Counter
from gym_wordle.utils import to_english, to_array, get_words
from typing import Optional
from collections import defaultdict
class WordList(gym.spaces.Discrete):
"""Super class for defining a space of valid words according to a specified
The space is a subclass of gym.spaces.Discrete, where each element
corresponds to an index of a valid word in the word list. The obfuscation
is necessary for more direct implementation of RL algorithms, which expect
spaces of less sophisticated form.
In addition to the default methods of the Discrete space, it implements
a __getitem__ method for easy index lookup, and an index_of method to
convert potential words into their corresponding index (if they exist).
def __init__(self, words: npt.NDArray[np.int64], **kwargs):
words: Collection of words in array form with shape (_, 5), where
each word is a row of the array. Each array element is an integer
between 0,...,26 (inclusive).
kwargs: See documentation for gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete
super().__init__(words.shape[0], **kwargs)
self.words = words
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> npt.NDArray[np.int64]:
"""Obtains the (int-encoded) word associated with the given index.
index: Index for the list of words.
Associated word at the position specified by index.
return self.words[index]
def index_of(self, word: npt.NDArray[np.int64]) -> int:
"""Given a word, determine its index in the list (if it exists),
otherwise returning -1 if no index exists.
word: Word to find in the word list.
The index of the given word if it exists, otherwise -1.
index, = np.nonzero((word == self.words).all(axis=1))
return index[0]
return -1
class SolutionList(WordList):
"""Space for *solution* words to the Wordle environment.
In the game Wordle, there are two different collections of words:
* "guesses", which the game accepts as valid words to use to guess the
* "solutions", which the game uses to choose solutions from.
Of course, the set of solutions is a strict subset of the set of guesses.
This class represents the set of solution words.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs: See documentation for gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete
words = get_words('solution')
super().__init__(words, **kwargs)
class WordleObsSpace(gym.spaces.Box):
"""Implementation of the state (observation) space in terms of gym
primitives, in this case, gym.spaces.Box.
The Wordle observation space can be thought of as a 6x5 array with two
- the character channel, indicating which characters are placed on the
board (unfilled rows are marked with the empty character, 0)
- the flag channel, indicating the in-game information associated with
each character's placement (green highlight, yellow highlight, etc.)
where there are 6 rows, one for each turn in the game, and 5 columns, since
the solution will always be a word of length 5.
For simplicity, and compatibility with stable_baselines algorithms,
this multichannel is modeled as a 6x10 array, where the two channels are
horizontally appended (along columns). Thus each row in the observation
should be interpreted as c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 when the word is
c0...c4 and its associated flags are f0...f4.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.n_rows = 6
self.n_cols = 5
self.max_char = 26
self.max_flag = 4
low = np.zeros((self.n_rows, 2*self.n_cols))
high = np.c_[np.full((self.n_rows, self.n_cols), self.max_char),
np.full((self.n_rows, self.n_cols), self.max_flag)]
super().__init__(low, high, dtype=np.int64, **kwargs)
class GuessList(WordList):
"""Space for *guess* words to the Wordle environment.
This class represents the set of guess words.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs: See documentation for gym.spaces.MultiDiscrete
words = get_words('guess')
super().__init__(words, **kwargs)
class WordleEnv(gym.Env):
metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}
# Character flag codes
no_char = 0
right_pos = 1
wrong_pos = 2
wrong_char = 3
def __init__(self):
self.action_space = GuessList()
self.solution_space = SolutionList()
# Example setup based on the flattened state size you're now using
num_position_availability = 26 * 5 # 26 letters for each of the 5 positions
num_global_availability = 26 # Global letter availability
num_letter_found_flags = 5 # One flag for each position
total_size = num_position_availability + num_global_availability + num_letter_found_flags
# Define the observation space to match the flattened state format
self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0, high=2, shape=(total_size,), dtype=np.float32)
self._highlights = {
self.right_pos: (bg.green, bg.rs),
self.wrong_pos: (bg.yellow, bg.rs),
self.wrong_char: ('', ''),
self.no_char: ('', ''),
self.n_rounds = 6
self.n_letters = 5
self.info = {
'correct': False,
'guesses': set(),
'known_positions': np.full(5, -1), # -1 for unknown, else letter index
'known_letters': set(), # Letters known to be in the word
'not_in_word': set(), # Letters known not to be in the word
'tried_positions': defaultdict(set) # Positions tried for each letter
def _highlighter(self, char: str, flag: int) -> str:
"""Terminal renderer functionality. Properly highlights a character
based on the flag associated with it.
char: Character in question.
flag: Associated flag, one of:
- 0: no character (render no background)
- 1: right position (render green background)
- 2: wrong position (render yellow background)
- 3: wrong character (render no background)
Correct ASCII sequence producing the desired character in the
correct background.
front, back = self._highlights[flag]
return front + char + back
def reset(self, seed=None, options=None):
"""Reset the environment to an initial state and returns an initial
Note: The observation space instance should be a Box space.
state (object): The initial observation of the space.
self.round = 0
self.solution = self.solution_space.sample()
self.soln_hash = set(self.solution_space[self.solution])
self.state = {
'position_availability': [np.ones(26) for _ in range(5)], # Each position can initially have any letter
'global_availability': np.ones(26), # Initially, all letters are available
'letter_found': np.zeros(5) # Initially, no correct letters are found
self.info = {
'correct': False,
'guesses': set(),
'known_positions': np.full(5, -1),
'known_letters': set(),
'not_in_word': set(),
'tried_positions': defaultdict(set)
return self.get_observation(), self.info
def simulate_first_guess(self):
fixed_first_guess = "rates" # Example: Using 'rates' as the fixed first guess
# Convert the fixed guess into the appropriate format (e.g., indices of letters)
fixed_guess_indices = to_array(fixed_first_guess)
solution_indices = self.solution_space[self.solution]
for pos in range(5): # Iterate over each position in the word
letter_idx = fixed_guess_indices[pos]
if letter_idx == solution_indices[pos]: # Correct letter in the correct position
self.state['position_availability'][pos] = np.zeros(26)
self.state['position_availability'][pos][letter_idx] = 1
self.state['letter_found'][pos] = 1
elif letter_idx in solution_indices: # Correct letter in the wrong position
self.state['position_availability'][pos][letter_idx] = 0
# Mark this letter as still available in other positions
for other_pos in range(5):
if self.state['letter_found'][other_pos] == 0: # If not already found
self.state['position_availability'][other_pos][letter_idx] = 1
else: # Letter not in the word
self.state['global_availability'][letter_idx] = 0
# Update all positions to reflect this letter is not in the word
for other_pos in range(5):
self.state['position_availability'][other_pos][letter_idx] = 0
self.round = 1 # Increment round to reflect that first guess has been simulated
def render(self, mode: str = 'human'):
"""Renders the Wordle environment.
Currently supported render modes:
- human: renders the Wordle game to the terminal.
mode: the mode to render with.
if mode == 'human':
for row in self.state:
text = ''.join(map(
def step(self, action):
assert self.action_space.contains(action), 'Invalid word!'
guessed_word = self.action_space[action]
solution_word = self.solution_space[self.solution]
reward = 0
correct_guess = np.array_equal(guessed_word, solution_word)
# Initialize flags for current guess based on the new state structure
current_flags = np.zeros((self.n_letters, 26)) # Replaced with a more detailed flag system
# Track newly discovered information
new_info = False
for i in range(self.n_letters):
guessed_letter = guessed_word[i] - 1
if guessed_letter in solution_word:
if guessed_letter in self.info['not_in_word']:
reward -= 2 # Penalize for reusing a letter found to not be in the word
if guessed_letter == solution_word[i]:
# Handle correct letter in the correct position
current_flags[i, :] = 0 # Set all other letters to not possible
current_flags[i, guessed_letter] = 2 # Mark this letter as correct
self.info['known_positions'][i] = 1 # Update known_positions
reward += 10 # Reward for correct placement
new_info = True
# Correct letter, wrong position
if self.info['known_positions'][i] == 0:
# Only update if we haven't already found the correct letter for this position
current_flags[:, guessed_letter] = 2 # Mark this letter as found in another position
reward += 5
new_info = True
# Letter not in word
if guessed_letter not in self.info['not_in_word']:
reward -= 2 # Penalize for guessing a letter not in the word
new_info = True
for pos in range(self.n_letters):
# Update all positions to reflect this letter is not correct
current_flags[pos, guessed_letter] = 0
# Update global letter availability based on the guess
for letter in range(26):
if letter not in guessed_word or letter in self.info['not_in_word']:
self.state['global_availability'][letter] = 0
# Check if the game is over
done = self.round == self.n_rounds - 1 or correct_guess
self.info['correct'] = correct_guess
if correct_guess:
reward += 100 # Major reward for winning
elif done:
reward -= 50 # Penalty for losing without using new information effectively
elif not new_info:
reward -= 10 # Penalty if no new information was used in this guess
self.round += 1
return self.get_observation(), reward, done, False, self.info
def get_observation(self):
# Flatten the position-specific letter availability
position_availability_flat = np.concatenate(self.state['position_availability'])
# Global availability is already a 1D array, but ensure consistency in data handling
global_availability_flat = self.state['global_availability'].flatten()
# Concatenate all parts of the state into a single flat array for the DQN input
full_state_flat = np.concatenate(
[position_availability_flat, global_availability_flat, self.state['letter_found']])
return full_state_flat
@ -15,18 +15,17 @@ class LetterGuessingEnv(gym.Env):
metadata = {'render_modes': ['human']}
def __init__(self, valid_words, seed):
def __init__(self, valid_words, seed=None):
self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(26)
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=2, shape=(26*2 + 26*4,), dtype=np.int32)
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(26*2 + 26*4,), dtype=np.int32)
self.valid_words = valid_words # List of valid Wordle words
self.target_word = '' # Target word for the current episode
self.valid_words_str = '_'.join(self.valid_words) + '_'
self.valid_words_str = ' '.join(self.valid_words) + ' '
self.letter_flags = None
self.letter_positions = None
self.guessed_letters = set()
self.guess_prefix = "" # Tracks the current guess prefix
self.round = 1
@ -47,16 +46,21 @@ class LetterGuessingEnv(gym.Env):
# Update letter flags based on whether the letter is in the target word
if self.target_word_encoded[letter_index] == 1:
if self.target_word[position] == letter:
self.letter_flags[letter_index, :] = [1, 0] # Update flag for correct guess
elif letter in self.target_word:
self.letter_flags[letter_index, :] = [0, 1] # Update flag for correct guess wrong position
self.letter_flags[letter_index, :] = [0, 0] # Update flag for incorrect guess
reward = 1 # Reward for adding new information by trying a new letter
# Update the letter_positions matrix to reflect the new guess
self.letter_positions[:, position] = 0
self.letter_positions[letter_index, position] = 1
if position == 4:
self.letter_positions[:,:] = 1
self.letter_positions[:, position] = 0
self.letter_positions[letter_index, position] = 1
# Use regex to check if the current prefix can lead to a valid word
if not re.search(r'\b' + self.guess_prefix, self.valid_words_str):
@ -65,25 +69,30 @@ class LetterGuessingEnv(gym.Env):
# guessed a full word so we reset our guess prefix to guess next round
if len(self.guess_prefix) == len(self.target_word):
self.guess_prefix == ''
self.guess_prefix = ''
self.round += 1
# end after 3 rounds of total guesses
if self.round == 3:
# end after 5 rounds of total guesses
if self.round == 2:
# reward = 5
done = True
obs = self._get_obs()
if reward < -50:
print(obs, reward, done)
return obs, reward, done, False, {}
def reset(self, seed):
def reset(self, seed=None):
self.target_word = random.choice(self.valid_words)
self.target_word_encoded = self.encode_word(self.target_word)
self.letter_flags = np.ones((26, 2)) * 2
self.letter_positions = np.ones((26, 4))
# self.target_word_encoded = self.encode_word(self.target_word)
self.letter_flags = np.ones((26, 2), dtype=np.int32)
self.letter_positions = np.ones((26, 4), dtype=np.int32)
self.guessed_letters = set()
self.guess_prefix = "" # Reset the guess prefix for the new episode
return self._get_obs()
self.round = 1
return self._get_obs(), {}
def encode_word(self, word):
encoded = np.zeros((26,))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user