This repository has been archived on 2023-12-21. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.
Arthur Lu 935864ad9c fix bug in PC jump target calculation,
fix bug in RegFile input width,
fix control logic bug with INC/DEC,
change assembler output format,
change programs to use d0 as space char value
2022-08-14 13:44:51 -07:00

28 lines
1.2 KiB

// Module Name: ALU
// Project Name: CSE141L
// Description: instruction fetch (pgm ctr) for processor
module InstFetch #(parameter T=10, parameter W=8)( // T is PC address size, W is the jump target pointer width, which is less
input logic Clk, Reset, // clock, reset
input logic BranchEZ, BranchNZ, BranchAlways, Zero, // branch control signals zero from alu signals; brnahc signals will be one hot encoding
input logic Done, // Done flag to indicate if the PC should increment at all
input logic [W-1:0] Target, // jump target pointer
output logic [T-1:0] ProgCtr,
output logic [T-1:0] ProgCtr_p1 // value of pc+1 for use in JAL instruction itself
logic [T-1:0] PC;
always_ff @(posedge Clk) begin
if(Reset) PC <= 0; // if reset, set PC to 0
else if (BranchAlways) PC[W-1:0] <= Target; // if unconditional branch, assign PC to target
else if (BranchEZ && Zero) PC[W-1:0] <= Target; // if branch on zero and zero is true, then assign PC to target
else if (BranchNZ && !Zero) PC[W-1:0] <= Target; // if branch on non zero and zero is false, then assign PC to parget
else if (!Done) PC <= PC + 'b1; // if not a branch but CPU is not done, then
else PC <= PC;
assign ProgCtr = PC;
assign ProgCtr_p1 = ProgCtr + 1;