// Program 2 register use map: // r0 is the accumulator, r1 and r2 is often used to cache temp values // r5 is the TAP LUT link register // r6 is LFSR tap pattern // r7 is LFSR state value // r8 is the preamble counter // r9 is the total encryption length counter // r10 is the tap selection counter // r11 is the read pointer // r12 is the write pointer init: LDI #d10 PUT r10 // set the tap counter to 10, which will choose tap pattern 9 to start after subtracting by 1 tap_lut: LDI tap_init JMP r0 // goto tap_init, skipping the LUT LDI #x60 // load tap pattern 1 JMP r5 // jump back to tap loop LDI #x48 // load tap pattern 2 JMP r5 // jump back to tap loop LDI #x78 // load tap pattern 3 JMP r5 // jump back to tap loop LDI #x72 // load tap pattern 4 JMP r5 // jump back to tap loop LDI #x6A // load tap pattern 5 JMP r5 // jump back to tap loop LDI #x69 // load tap pattern 6 JMP r5 // jump back to tap loop LDI #x5C // load tap pattern 7 JMP r5 // jump back to tap loop LDI #x7E // load tap pattern 8 JMP r5 // jump back to tap loop LDI #x7B // load tap pattern 9 JMP r5 // jump back to tap loop tap_init: LDI #d64 PUT r11 // set read pointer to 64 LDI #d0 PUT r12 // set write pointer to 0 LDI #d10 PUT r8 // load 10 into preamble counter LDI #d64 PUT r9 // load 64 (total encryption length) to r9 LDI done NXT r10 // decrement tap selection by 1, starts at 9 for the first iteration JEZ r0 // if no more taps left that didn't work, raise the done flag LDI tap_init PUT r5 // put the tap_loop address in r5 LDI tap_lut ADD r10 ADD r10 // add 2*tap select to tap_lut location, results in location of selected tap pattern JMP r0 // jump to LUT, which loads the tap pattern into r0 PUT r6 // tap pattern now in r6 LDW r11 // get the first preamble character PUT r1 // put cipher text into r1 LDI #d32 // load expected space character STW r12 // write initial space into memory XOR r1 // get the initial state PUT r7 // put initial state guess into r7 NXT r11 // increment read pointer NXT r12 // increment write pointer NXT r9 // decrement total encryption chars remaining tap_loop: LDI lfsr_routine JAL r0 // jump to lfsr routine which calculates next state in r7 LDI #d32 // load space char expected plaintext XOR r7 CLB r0 // clear leading bit in the expected ciphertext PUT r1 // store expected cipher text in r1 LDI tap_init PUT r2 // load the outer loop top into r2 LDW r11 // load actual ciphertext SUB r1 // subtract actual from expected, result of 0 means matching JNZ r2 // jump to outer loop (picks new tap pattern) if the actual cipher was not equal to the expected LDI #d32 // load preamble char STW r12 // store preamble char in memory NXT r11 // increment read pointer NXT r12 // increment write pointer NXT r9 // decrement total encryption chars remaining LDI main_loop // load main_loop location into r0 NXT r8 // decrement preamble counter JEZ r0 // if r8 (preamble counter) is zero, then all preamble have matched and current tap pattern is correct, jump to main loop LDI tap_loop JMP r0 // jump to tap_loop if characters matched but preamble is not over main_loop: LDI correct PUT r1 // put correct handle address in r1 LDW r11 // load the next ciphertext byte CHK r0 // check ciphertext for error JEZ r1 // if no error, jump to correct, otherwise continue to error handling error: LDI #x80 // load error flag character into r0 STW r12 // store error flag to write pointer LDI common JMP r0 // jump out of error handling, to common operations after writing correct: XOR r7 // bitwise XOR the current state with ciphertext space to generate plaintext CLB r0 // clear the leading bit of the plaintext as in requirements STW r12 // store plaintext to write pointer common: LDI lfsr_routine // load address for the lfsr_routine label JAL r0 // jump to the lfsr_routine label NXT r11 // increment read pointer NXT r12 // increment write pointer LDI done // load address of label done NXT r9 // decrement number of remaining plaintext chars JEZ r0 // jump to end of program if all plaintext chars have been processed LDI main_loop // load address of main_loop JMP r0 // jump to main_loop if there is still space for message characters lfsr_routine: GET r7 // get previous state AND r6 // and state with taps to get feedback pattern PTY r0 // get feedback parity bit PUT r1 // store feedback bit to r1 temporarily GET r7 // get previous state again LSH #d1 // left shift previous state by 1 ORR r1 // or with parity bit to get next state PUT r7 // put next state to r7 GET r14 // load link register JMP r0 // return to function call address done: LDI #b10000000 // load the processor flag state needed to halt the program PUT r15 // put and set the done flag to 1 to halt the PC and indicate the program has finished