// Module Name: Ctrl // Project Name: CSE141L // control decoder (combinational, not clocked) import Definitions::*; module Ctrl #( parameter W = 8, parameter T = 10 ) ( input logic [8:0] Instruction, input logic [W-1:0] ALU_Out, input logic [W-1:0] RegOutA, RegOutB, // select from register inputs or immediate inputs input logic [T-1:0] ProgCtr_p1, input logic [W-1:0] mem_out, output op_mne ALU_OP, // control ALU operation output logic [W-1:0] ALU_A, ALU_B, output logic RegWrite, Done_in, output logic [3:0] RaddrA, RaddrB, Waddr, output logic [W-1:0] RegInput, output logic BranchEZ, BranchNZ, BranchAlways, output logic write_mem ); logic [7:0] I_Immediate; logic [7:0] T_Immediate; logic [3:0] A_operand; logic [3:0] S_operand; logic [3:0] G_operand; assign I_Immediate = Instruction[7:0]; assign T_Immediate = Instruction[2:0]; assign A_operand = Instruction[3:0]; assign S_operand = {1'b1, Instruction[2:0]}; assign G_operand = {1'b0, Instruction[2:0]}; always_comb begin // default values for an invalid NOP instruction, proper NOP instruction encoded as a LSH by 0 ALU_OP = NOP; ALU_A = RegOutA; ALU_B = RegOutB; RegWrite = 'b1; Done_in = 'b0; RaddrA = 'b0; RaddrB = 'b0; Waddr = 'b0; RegInput = ALU_Out; BranchEZ = 'b0; BranchNZ = 'b0; BranchAlways = 'b0; write_mem = 'b0; casez(Instruction[8:3]) 'b1_????_?: begin // LDI ALU_A = I_Immediate; end 'b0_0000_?: begin // PUT Waddr = A_operand; end 'b0_0001_?: begin // GET RaddrA = A_operand; end 'b0_0010_0: begin // LDW RaddrA = S_operand; RegInput = mem_out; end 'b0_0010_1: begin // STW RaddrA = S_operand; RegWrite = 'b0; write_mem = 'b1; end 'b0_0011_0: begin // N?T if(S_operand == 'd8 || S_operand == 'd9 || S_operand == 'd10) begin ALU_OP = SUB; ALU_B = 'b1; end else if (S_operand == 'd11 || S_operand == 'd12 || S_operand == 'd13) begin ALU_OP = ADD; ALU_B = 'b1; end else ALU_OP = NOP; RaddrA = S_operand; Waddr = S_operand; end 'b0_0011_1: begin //CLB ALU_OP = CLB; RaddrA = G_operand; Waddr = G_operand; end 'b0_0100_?: begin // ADD ALU_OP = ADD; RaddrB = A_operand; end 'b0_0101_?: begin // SUB ALU_OP = SUB; RaddrB = A_operand; end 'b0_0110_?: begin // ORR ALU_OP = ORR; RaddrB = A_operand; end 'b0_0111_?: begin // AND ALU_OP = AND; RaddrB = A_operand; end 'b0_1000_0: begin // LSH ALU_OP = LSH; ALU_A = T_Immediate; end 'b0_1000_1: begin // PTY ALU_OP = RXOR_7; RaddrA = G_operand; end 'b0_1001_?: begin // CHK ALU_OP = RXOR_8; RaddrA = A_operand; end 'b0_1010_?: begin // XOR ALU_OP = XOR; RaddrB = A_operand; end 'b0_1011_?: begin // DNE Done_in = 'b1; end 'b0_1110_0: begin // JNZ RegWrite = 'b0; RaddrA = G_operand; BranchNZ = 'b1; end 'b0_1110_1: begin // JEZ RegWrite = 'b0; RaddrA = G_operand; BranchEZ = 'b1; end 'b0_1111_0: begin // JMP RegWrite = 'b0; RaddrA = G_operand; BranchAlways = 'b1; end 'b0_1111_1: begin // JAL RaddrA = G_operand; Waddr = 'd14; // write to link register specifically RegInput = ProgCtr_p1[7:0]; // write the value pc+4 BranchAlways = 'b1; end default: begin RegWrite = 'b0; end endcase end endmodule