# Meeting Minutes (10/23/2022) ## Team 29: Hackers1995 ## Meeting Topic: Application Final Decision This meeting is held to help the group decide on which kind of app to build. ## Attendance 1. George Dubinin 2. Henry Feng 3. Arthur Lu 4. Marc Reta 5. Kara Hoagland 6. Rhea Bhutada 7. Isaac Otero ## Absentees 1. Sanjit Joseph 2. Gavyn Ezell 3. Daniel Hernandez ## Meeting Details - When: - 10/23/2022 at 1:00PM - Where: Zoom (Rhea's Meeting Room) ## Agenda: - ### Old/Unresolved Business - N/A - ### New Business - Decide on a final app idea - ### Next Meeting's Business - Discuss design features for the chosen app ## Decisions Made - Maybe for the food reviewer app. Presenting possible writeup to Gagan - Maybe for the resume builder. Presenting possible writeup to Gagan https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zdvVxd47Ivdz-D0rZGNJqc3D9GiQj0n_xMJKapOV39A/edit?usp=sharing - Maybe for Social Media Local Archive. Presenting possible writeup to Gagan https://docs.google.com/document/d/1upNr6lneB2uzCoQ12_aa1CMg1W8p2NBFb6xmP7i4-z4/edit?usp=sharing - No to the copy/paste app (not local first) ## End Time - When: - 10/23/2022 at 2:00PM