import { strict as assert } from "node:assert"; /** * Fills out a create or update review form * @param {Object} page the page object which contains the create or update form * @param {Object} review review data to input into the form */ export async function setReviewForm(page, review) { // Set text fields await page.$eval("#mealName", (el, value) => (el.value = value), review.mealName); await page.$eval("#comments", (el, value) => (el.value = value), review.comments); await page.$eval("#restaurant", (el, value) => (el.value = value),; // Get all tag elements and click them to delete them let tag_items = await page.$$(".tag"); if (tag_items !== null) { for (let i = 0; i < tag_items.length; i++) { await tag_items[i].click(); } } // Get the button needed to add new tags let tag_btn = await page.$("#tag-add-btn"); for (let i = 0; i < review.tags.length; i++) { await page.$eval("#tag-form", (el, value) => (el.value = value), review.tags[i]); await; } // Select a new rating let rating_select = await page.$(`#s${review.rating}-select`); await{ delay: 100 }); } /** * Tests a page or shadowDOM for correct element text or src values * @param {Object} root page or shodowDOM to test * @param {string} prefix prefix character for element IDs * @param {Object} expected values for each element */ export async function checkCorrectness(root, prefix, expected) { // Get the review image and check src let img = await root.$(`#${prefix}-meal-img`); let imgSrc = await img.getProperty("src"); // Check src assert.strictEqual(await imgSrc.jsonValue(), expected.imgSrc); // Get the title, comment, and restaurant let title = await root.$(`#${prefix}-meal-name`); let title_text = await title.getProperty("innerText"); let comment = await root.$(`#${prefix}-comments`); let comment_text = await comment.getProperty("innerText"); let restaurant = await root.$(`#${prefix}-restaurant`); let restaurant_text = await restaurant.getProperty("innerText"); // Check title, comment, and restaurant assert.strictEqual(await title_text.jsonValue(), expected.mealName); assert.strictEqual(await comment_text.jsonValue(), expected.comments); assert.strictEqual(await restaurant_text.jsonValue(),; // Check tags let tags = await root.$$(`.${prefix}-tag`); assert.strictEqual(await tags.length, expected.tags.length); for (let i = 0; i < expected.tags.length; i++) { let tag_text = await tags[i].getProperty("innerText"); assert.strictEqual(await tag_text.jsonValue(), expected.tags[i]); } // Check stars let stars = await root.$(`#${prefix}-rating`); let stars_src = await stars.getProperty("src"); assert.strictEqual(await stars_src.jsonValue(), expected.rating); }