# Meeting Minutes (11/08/2022)
## Team 29: Hackers1995
## Meeting Topic: In-Person First Sprint Day 2
Meeting notes for the first sprint

## Attendance
1. Rhea Bhutada
2. George Dubinin
3. Gavyn Ezell
4. Kara Hoagland
5. Sanjit Joseph
6. Daniel Hernandez

## Meeting Details
- When: 11/08/2022 at 2:00PM
- Where: Mike's Red Tacos

## Agenda:
- ### Old/Unresolved Business
  - N/A
- ### New Business
  - Isaac now knows what Wolftown is
  - Pair programming setup with VSCode
- ### Next Meeting's Business

## App Progress
- The landing page is closer
- Review card css file entered
- Review Card javascript logic implemented (thanks Gavin)

## Decisions Made
- Linting details decided (TABS NOT SPACES)

## End Time
- 11/07/2022 at 8:00PM