# Meeting Minutes (10/12/2022)
## Team 29: Hackers1995
## Meeting Topic: Kickoff Meeting
This meeting is being held to kickoff the start of many meetings to come during the quarter.
## Attendance
1. Rhea Bhutada
2. George Dubinin
3. Gavyn Ezell
4. Henry Feng
5. Kara Hoagland
6. Marc Reta
7. Sanjit Joseph
8. Isaac Otero
9. Daniel Hernandez

## Absentees
1. Arthur Lu

## Meeting Details
- When: 10/12/2022 at 3:30PM
- Where: Zoom

## Agenda:
- ### Old/Unresolved Business
  - N/A
- ### New Business
  - go over github organization
  - review assignments
  - go through rules
  - start branding/team name
- ### Next Meeting's Business
  - figure out roles
  - decide weekly meeting times
  - figure out team bonding events
  - brainstorm CRUD applications
  - complete any remaining assignments

## Decisions Made
- went over github organizations and reviewed the assignments
- went through the rules and agreed on the contract
- figured out the brand name

## End Time
- 10/12/2022 at 4:30PM