import { newReviewToStorage } from "./localStorage.js"; window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init); /** * Delegates the functionality for creating review cards. */ function init() { initFormHandler(); } /** * Creates a form and associates a new ID with the new review card. */ function initFormHandler() { // Accesses form components let tagContainer = document.getElementById("tag-container-form"); let form = document.querySelector("form"); // Declaring variable storing image data url let imgDataURL = ""; // Accessing components related to taking photo let videoMode = true; let player = document.getElementById("player"); let canvas = document.getElementById("photoCanvas"); let photoButton = document.getElementById("photoButton"); let context = canvas.getContext('2d'); // Event listener for the photo taking/reset button photoButton.addEventListener('click', ()=>{ // capturing the current video frame if (videoMode) { videoMode = false; // setting up the appropriate components for displaying the photo preview photoButton.innerText = "Retake"; player.setAttribute("hidden", ""); canvas.removeAttribute("hidden", ""); // displaying the captured snapshot on a canvas and saving it as a data url context.drawImage(player, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); imgDataURL = canvas.toDataURL(); } // returning to displaying the video stream else { videoMode = true; // setting up the appropriate components for the video stream photoButton.innerText = "Take Photo"; canvas.setAttribute("hidden", ""); player.removeAttribute("hidden", ""); } }); // Event listener for reading image form different data let select = document.getElementById("select"); const input = document.getElementById("mealImg"); select.addEventListener("change", function() { // Select a photo with HTML file selector if (select.value == "file") { // enabling file upload components and hiding photo taking components input.removeAttribute("hidden", ""); player.setAttribute("hidden", ""); canvas.setAttribute("hidden", ""); photoButton.setAttribute("hidden", ""); // stopping the video stream player.srcObject.getVideoTracks()[0].stop(); } // Take a photo else { // enabling photo taking components and hiding file upload components videoMode = true; photoButton.innerText = "Take Photo"; input.setAttribute("hidden", ""); player.removeAttribute("hidden", ""); photoButton.removeAttribute("hidden", ""); // getting video stream from user's camera then displaying it on a video element navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true,}).then((stream)=>{ player.srcObject = stream; }); } }); // Addresses sourcing image from local file document.getElementById("mealImg").addEventListener("change", function() { const reader = new FileReader(); // Store image data URL after successful image load reader.addEventListener("load", ()=>{ imgDataURL = reader.result; }, false); // Convert image file into data URL for local storage reader.readAsDataURL(document.getElementById("mealImg").files[0]); }); form.addEventListener("submit", function(e){ // Create reviewObject and put in storage e.preventDefault(); let formData = new FormData(form); let reviewObject = {}; // Adds data to the reviewObject from form data for (let [key, value] of formData) { console.log(`${key}`); console.log(`${value}`); if (`${key}` !== "tag-form") { reviewObject[`${key}`] = `${value}`; } if (`${key}` === "mealImg" && imgDataURL !== "") { reviewObject["mealImg"] = imgDataURL; } } // Makes sure that ratings is filled if(reviewObject["rating"] != null){ //Adds rags separately as an array reviewObject["tags"] = []; // Grabs tags let tags = document.querySelectorAll(".tag"); for(let i = 0; i < tags.length; i ++) { reviewObject["tags"].push(tags[i].innerHTML); tagContainer.removeChild(tags[i]); } // Assigns the new review with a new ID let nextReviewId = newReviewToStorage(reviewObject); sessionStorage.setItem("currID", JSON.stringify(nextReviewId)); // Redirects to a page that shows the newly created review window.location.assign("./ReviewDetails.html"); } // Does not let user proceed if rating is not complete else{ window.alert("NO! FILL IN STARS"); } }); // Event listener for tag functionality let tagAddBtn = document.getElementById("tag-add-btn"); //Set used to track tags and ensure no duplicates let tagSet = new Set(); tagAddBtn.addEventListener("click", ()=> { let tagField = document.getElementById("tag-form"); // If there is a tag, it'll display the tag if (tagField.value.length > 0) { let tagSetVal = tagField.value.toLowerCase(); if (!tagSet.has(tagSetVal)){ let tagLabel = document.createElement("label"); tagLabel.innerHTML = tagField.value; tagLabel.setAttribute("class","tag"); tagSet.add(tagField.value.toLowerCase()); tagLabel.addEventListener("click",()=> { tagContainer.removeChild(tagLabel); tagSet.delete(tagField.value.toLowerCase()); }); tagContainer.append(tagLabel); } else { window.alert("No duplicate tags allowed"); } tagField.value = ""; } }); }