Discuss the review, share more detailed thoughts on sprint 2, and create some resolutions for sprint 3
## Sprint 3 Review Below (for convenience)
In collecting feedback for the sprint the leads decided to ask members individually about their experience during sprint 2 to then summarize these responses. Each member was asked 4 questions with their summarized responses below:
### ➼ What do you think worked well in the first sprint?
Communication within the group was improved and our joint study sessions where more productive. The design team got the support they needed to accomplish the majority of their work on the project. The push to emphasize the sub-teams responsible for different tasks turned out to be a great idea and everyone put in a good effort.
### ➼ What can we improve on for the next sprint?
With the vast majority of feature implementation underway the rapid progress created a lot of bugs which otherwise could have been avoid with more careful planning. Some members felt that even though they made a great effort they weren't able to contribute as much as they wanted to. Some of the code documentation fell behind and some design discussions were circumvented because some members where busy. One consequence was that relatively few ADRs were created even though we made many important design decisions during sprint 2.
### ➼ What was your contribution to the sprint?
* Rhea Bhutada: I mainly helped implement the backend for the CRUD features of the app and documentation related to this. This mainly entailed changing the way that we were storing user data in local storage. Additionally, I helped design the form and homepage.
* Gavyn Etzel: Helped with JavaScript functionality (CRUD Features), and also did a lot of the documentation for the script files
Helped work through the storage revamp for our review cards
Also helped integrate our first design/style setup with functionality
* Henry Feng: Worked on implementing local image uploading and storing features for updating and creating profiles.
* Sanjit: I reimplemented the star ratings since they had some issues and weren’t merged with sprint 1. I fixed a bunch of linting issues that popped up from that as well. I did a fair bit of color palette brainstorming with the team. I also went over our app design for the sprint video and edited that together. Most importantly I put a chef hat on the raccoon
* Daniel: Helped in initial CreatePage and HomePage design which improved through feedback from the rest of the group.
Helped in styling suggestions.
* Arthur Lu: Worked on fixing some CI/CD pipeline issues
Implemented e2e testing for basic update and delete functionality
Helped with fixing the homepage and review page layout
Helped with fixing the article tag overflow issue
* Marc Rheta: Implemented the e2e testing for reading and create
Allowed tabs for CSS/HTML linters
* Isaac Otero: I was able to help out with the sprint video for the last sprint and thought of how our page will look like, Started working on homepage.html
* George Dubinin: Meeting notes, Repo organization, Front-end (a little), Project Status Review video.
* Kara Hoagland: I helped set up the new local storage design, reimplemented the CRUD features using the new local storage design, contributed to the styling, added a default img, backend on the details page
### ➼ Was there anything blocking your progress in the sprint?
A few members got sick over the break and with midterms picking up for other classes some members had trouble dedicting time for the project but everyone still put in a great effort overall.
## Next Sprint Goals
- Resolve the 4 issues open on GitHub right now
- Make the project "local first" by creating a cache
- Bug fixes and final product adjustments possibly pushed to sprint 4
- We aim to keep sprint 3 short (a few days max)
- JS docs (we can potentially leave this out with an explanation of where our documentation is)
## Resolutions
* Sprint 3 first meeting happening 11-29 at 5:00PM
* Make sure that there's enough communication between front-end and back-end
* Focus on meeting with your subgroup and then touch base with the main group
* Keep documentation up to date with the rest of the project
* We need to finalize the home page design (this has been open for a while).
* Fix image sizing issues by focusing on supporting 300x300 pixel images with sizes of around 2-5 megabytes