Arthur Lu cde429cb80 fix issue in WFBacktrace and change format to proper CIGAR,
add test to ensure CIGAR correctness in the case of different traceback results,
add DecodeCIGAR function to exports
2024-11-07 19:01:01 +00:00

170 lines
4.0 KiB

package wfa
import (
func UIntToString(num uint) string { // num assumed to be positive
var builder strings.Builder
for num > 0 {
digit := num % 10
builder.WriteRune(rune('0' + digit))
num /= 10
// Reverse the string as we built it in reverse order
str := []rune(builder.String())
for i, j := 0, len(str)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
str[i], str[j] = str[j], str[i]
return string(str)
func RunLengthDecode(encoded string) string {
decoded := strings.Builder{}
length := len(encoded)
i := 0
for i < length {
// If the current character is a digit, we need to extract the run length
runLength := 0
for i < length && encoded[i] >= '0' && encoded[i] <= '9' {
runLength = runLength*10 + int(encoded[i]-'0')
// The next character will be the character to repeat
if i < length {
char := encoded[i]
for j := 0; j < runLength; j++ {
i++ // Move past the character
return decoded.String()
func SafeMin[T constraints.Integer](values []T, idx int) T {
return values[idx]
func SafeMax[T constraints.Integer](values []T, idx int) T {
return values[idx]
func SafeArgMax[T constraints.Integer](valids []bool, values []T) (bool, int) {
hasValid := false
maxIndex := 0
maxValue := math.MinInt
for i := 0; i < len(valids); i++ {
if valids[i] && int(values[i]) > maxValue {
hasValid = true
maxIndex = i
maxValue = int(values[i])
if hasValid {
return true, maxIndex
} else {
return false, 0
func SafeArgMin[T constraints.Integer](valids []bool, values []T) (bool, int) {
hasValid := false
minIndex := 0
minValue := math.MaxInt
for i := 0; i < len(valids); i++ {
if valids[i] && int(values[i]) < minValue {
hasValid = true
minIndex = i
minValue = int(values[i])
if hasValid {
return true, minIndex
} else {
return false, 0
func NextLoHi(M WavefrontComponent, I WavefrontComponent, D WavefrontComponent, score int, penalties Penalty) (int, int) {
x := penalties.X
o := penalties.O
e := penalties.E
a_ok, a_lo, a_hi := M.GetLoHi(score - x)
b_ok, b_lo, b_hi := M.GetLoHi(score - o - e)
c_ok, c_lo, c_hi := I.GetLoHi(score - e)
d_ok, d_lo, d_hi := D.GetLoHi(score - e)
ok_lo, idx := SafeArgMin(
[]bool{a_ok, b_ok, c_ok, d_ok},
[]int{a_lo, b_lo, c_lo, d_lo},
lo := SafeMin([]int{a_lo, b_lo, c_lo, d_lo}, idx) - 1
ok_hi, idx := SafeArgMax(
[]bool{a_ok, b_ok, c_ok, d_ok},
[]int{a_hi, b_hi, c_hi, d_hi},
hi := SafeMax([]int{a_hi, b_hi, c_hi, d_hi}, idx) + 1
if ok_lo && ok_hi {
M.SetLoHi(score, lo, hi)
I.SetLoHi(score, lo, hi)
D.SetLoHi(score, lo, hi)
return lo, hi
func NextI(M WavefrontComponent, I WavefrontComponent, score int, k int, penalties Penalty) {
o := penalties.O
e := penalties.E
a_ok, a, _ := M.GetVal(score-o-e, k-1)
b_ok, b, _ := I.GetVal(score-e, k-1)
ok, nextITraceback := SafeArgMax([]bool{a_ok, b_ok}, []uint32{a, b})
nextIVal := SafeMax([]uint32{a, b}, nextITraceback) + 1 // important that the +1 is here
if ok {
I.SetVal(score, k, nextIVal, []Traceback{OpenIns, ExtdIns}[nextITraceback])
func NextD(M WavefrontComponent, D WavefrontComponent, score int, k int, penalties Penalty) {
o := penalties.O
e := penalties.E
a_ok, a, _ := M.GetVal(score-o-e, k+1)
b_ok, b, _ := D.GetVal(score-e, k+1)
ok, nextDTraceback := SafeArgMax([]bool{a_ok, b_ok}, []uint32{a, b})
nextDVal := SafeMax([]uint32{a, b}, nextDTraceback)
if ok {
D.SetVal(score, k, nextDVal, []Traceback{OpenDel, ExtdDel}[nextDTraceback])
func NextM(M WavefrontComponent, I WavefrontComponent, D WavefrontComponent, score int, k int, penalties Penalty) {
x := penalties.X
a_ok, a, _ := M.GetVal(score-x, k)
a++ // important to have +1 here
b_ok, b, _ := I.GetVal(score, k)
c_ok, c, _ := D.GetVal(score, k)
ok, nextMTraceback := SafeArgMax([]bool{a_ok, b_ok, c_ok}, []uint32{a, b, c})
nextMVal := SafeMax([]uint32{a, b, c}, nextMTraceback)
if ok {
M.SetVal(score, k, nextMVal, []Traceback{Sub, Ins, Del}[nextMTraceback])